Back to Shelter Bay Colon 14 March 2024.  

We woke early and had a porridge breakfast and then upped anchor about 8.25am. It was a bit grey, but little was stirring and we headed out of the bay with another yacht which appeared to be going in the same direction. We saw Drake’s Island on the way out and thought what a way to go for such a well-known sailor. On the way in and to Bahia Portobello and departing we were met and waved off by a whole load of swallows and Housemartins  who sat on our sheets and tweeted away and who appeared quite tame.

We put up the main and genoa and headed back toward Colon and the breakwater we have to pass through. It was time to be on the alert as we were near the traffic separation zones for tanker traffic arriving at and departing the Panama Canal. There are also a lot of ships anchored waiting for cargo our their transit of the canal. The wind picked up to about 20kts and we were powering along between 7.5 and 9kts with quite a lumpy sea. The boat who came out with us put up their sails too but we gradually eased away from them. One of the ships near us was a US warship Pathfinder !!

We got to about 7.5 nm from the breakwater and we called Cristobel Signal Station to get permission to proceed which was given with the words “stay out of the way”. Luckily the traffic was light and we took down the sails as we should motor the last bit so we have more control. There were no ships following us into the breakwater but there were two coming out which we had to keep out of the way. Once through the breakwater we saw a load more ships at anchor and headed over to Shelter Bay Marina again and called them up as we wanted to refuel first. As a result we headed to the fuel barge and I estimated we would take about 600 lts. I had already transferred fuel from the port to starboard tanks so that was full and the port tank took 580 lts.

We then headed over to our mooring which was the same C21 where we were before. We moored up and it was like Deja Vue. We settled in and had some lunch and then I headed to Colon to collect some things for Stormbird but they had arrived in Panama not Colon so they are being couriered over so I will have to go back again tomorrow – very frustrating.

We started the big cleanup in preparation for the arrival of Mark, Keith (Winstanley), Angus, and Charles (Bristow). We finished at 6.00pm and on my orders we showered and had a bottle of fizz to celebrate the end of this chapter and the departure of David and Carolyn. We then had supper at the marina which David kindly treated us to.

It seems a long time since we were here and a lifetime since we left the Canaries. We have had a great few weeks exploring a fantastic part of the world. The Panama transit awaits which we still hope will be 4 days’ time.

Opportunity for any Readers/Sailors.

In late May 2024 we shall be in the Marquesas in French Polynesia and we will then move through to the Tuomoto’s before getting to Tahiti about the end of July 2024. There may be some space on Stormbird during this period should any sailor/reader be interested in joining for this period or part of it in what must be one of the most distant and beautiful places in the world. If there is any interest do email me at  

The blog will continue as we head off to Panama and beyond.

If you have any comments or suggestions about the blog do email me on  I can only upload one picture a day and visit our website



Shelter Bay Marina 15 March 2024.  


Bahia Portobello 13 March 2024.