Galapagos to Marquesas – 3 May 2024 – Day 2  

Charles and I had the 11.00am to 2.00am slot and we did manage to sail a bit, but it was not strong wind and according to Predict Wind we should get the winds kicking in by midnight to 4.00am on the 4th May 2024. I know it is a bit frustrating. The swell had picked up and it was on our beam, so we were rolling  and when the wind is not strong enough in the swell to fill the sails they flog (flap) a bit.

By 1.00am there was not enough wind, so we went back to motor again. There was a lovely clear sky and lots of stars and we were being followed by Swallow Tailed Gulls who fish at night and who use echolocation. If you recall we saw them on the way to the Galapagos from Panama. I tried to sleep after our shift, but it was difficult and we were on again at 8.00am for the first day shift until 12.00noon. I woke and got up about 7.00am and had a cup of tea with Keith and Ian who were on watch and caught up. The wind had increased a little so we decided to put up the sails and managed to sail again although the roll still meant some flogging.

Mark had made a fruit salad of pineapple and melon which was delicious for breakfast and then a cinnamon bun we had bought in San Cristobal before we left. By this time Charles and I had taken over and Mark was up. The conditions were such that we thought we would try the Parasail again. We had decided to put a block on the midship cleat for the sheet to go through (as we could not use the new block) and under the guardrail and to the winch.

Joyce was still asleep and the rest of us prepared for launching the of Blue Barron (see the picture) and it is quite an effort to raise it especially when the winch you raise it with has to be done by hand. Up she went and with a bit of tweaking she flew but the sheet for the new block was on the stantion so down we snuffed her and put the sheet the other side of the station and it worked. We adjusted it and it was flying quite nicely and in relatively light winds of about 8-9 kts. The swell did not help and would sometimes collapse the sail a bit and then it would fill. This went on for a few hours and we had to change the block to prevent it touching the guardrail again.

We sailed with the Parasail until it started to drizzle and the wind was getting up, so we brought it down. It had been a successful first proper outing and we now know how to do it  properly. At 12 noon we had our first competition as to our 24-hour run which was 159 nm – which was not bad considering a mixture of slow sailing and motor. I guessed 153 with everyone 150 or less.

We had a chicken and avocado sandwich for lunch with salad and Mark and Joyce took over at 12.00noon. I tried to have a rest but it was so rolly. If we could put the mainsail up it would have steadied the boat but we could not, so we had to put up with it. This makes life on board – cooking, sleeping, showering, moving about, going to the loo etc so much more difficult.

We continued to motor and then later afternoon it started to drizzle and the wind increased so we started to sail again but we still have the roll. I cannot wait until we reach the trade winds.

We had a Mahi Mahi fish curry with vegetables and potatoes followed by fruit salad and a chocolate brownie from the batch which Mark made in the  afternoon. We all enjoyed this treat and prepared for the night. I hope the winds will arrive properly overnight or by breakfast.

Crewing Opportunity

We will arrive in the Marquesas in French Polynesia about 20-23 May 2024 and we will then move through to the Tuamotu’s before getting to Tahiti about the end of July 2024. There may be some space on Stormbird during this period should any sailor/reader be interested in joining for this period or part of it in what must be one of the most distant and beautiful places in the world.

Year Two

In addition, in year two I will be going from New Zealand in early January 2025 across to Sydney and up the Eastern Australian Coast, Indonesia and probably across the Indian Ocean to Cape Town and I will need some more crew.

If there is any interest do email me at  

The blog will continue as we head off to the Marquesas and beyond.

If you have any comments or suggestions about the blog do email me on  I can only upload one picture a day and visit our website


Galapagos to Marquesas – 4 May 2024 – Day 3 – Trade Winds Kick in.


Galapagos to Marquesas – 2 May 2024 – Day 1