Route to Panama 16 February 2024 –Rock and Roll

Joyce and I were on watch 8.00pm until 11.00pm after everyone had had supper. The wind was still howling (24-29kts) and we had 33 kts in one gust (a force 8 starts at 32 kts). Wobble our friendly bird was still sitting in the solar panel and how he balanced there I do not know. We also had the 5.00am to 8.00am watch and when we came on watch Wobble had gone and hope he was ok.

We were still making good progress and were averaging about 8 kts each hour. We had done a record 187 nm in the last 24 hours the day before. We had the staysail up and 3 reefs in the main and with the waves behind us we were surfing down the waves and at one point I saw 15.5 kts on the speed log. The problem was that there were waves coming from the stern and then some from the side which would roll us and so it was a bit like rock and roll and quite difficult in terms of motion sleeping etc. You could feel some of the waves slap the side of the boat some of which were so powerful that they slewed Stormbird to the side. On other occasions they would throw water over the rear part of the cockpit. One of them was so high that it threw water over the Bimini (shade over the cockpit) much to the surprise of those underneath.  

The issue was that there was a bit of a system along the Columbian coast with force 7-8 winds and large swells which is what we were experiencing and how best to mitigate this. We were progressing on a starboard tack and going on an angle of about 290 degrees so going about Northwest and going more or less in the opposite direction to Panama to go round the system. The debate was when to turn south and how far we should go in this direction before we did so. I consulted my weather man!!!  Mark (Malitskie) who was observing our progress from the UK and who was making suggestions and helping us avoid the worst of the wind and the waves. It was not so much the wind as the boat was coping well and you can reef down (shorten) the sail plan to accommodate this but the roll of the waves which was the issue and size of them. This debate went on all day in my head and with looking at Predict Wind I worked out a compromise. I would not go as far as the waypoint Mark suggested because that seemed to be too far but would gybe at about 2.00am which I thought would be the best compromise. I will report back whether I got this right.

We spent the day resting, chatting etc. Keith made a bacon sandwich for breakfast and we had corn on the cob for lunch and fruit. I managed to read my book whilst I continued to mull over the route again. The waves were mesmerising and you could spend hours just admiring their power and colours. The waves would rise up and look like they were going to come over the back of the boat but then the stern would rise up and it would disappear under us and we would surge forward at speed.  There were white horses and blue colour when some of them broke. It is amazing how powerful the sea is and there is no one else here it appears to witness this. It was like a vast cauldron of bubbling water and a rather confused state and we have to live with this and ensure it does not overcome us.

We put the clocks back one hour again to put us on Panama time so we are now 5 hours behind. I made some more bread as the two loaves I made had been scoffed. Still that is what it was for and it is good to keep everyone happy and well fed. There was a lovely sunset and a pleasant evening with sun and little cloud. The wind is due to reduce by 8.00am tomorrow morning but the waves will not die down until tomorrow evening. We now have to concentrate on getting to Panama in one piece and in daylight hours ideally.     

Carolyn cooked a delicious fish pasta sauce which we all enjoyed in the cockpit. The moon came out and we settled into our watches for the night.

24 hour run to Noon was 186 nm – a good run.

The blog will continue as we head off to Panama and beyond.

If you have any comments or suggestions about the blog do email me on  I can only upload one picture a day and visit our website



Route to Panama 17 February 2024 –More Rock and Roll


Route to Panama 15 February 2024