Tobago Cays 3 February 2024

The water was still a vivid turquoise when we woke. A quick dip was called for, which was very refreshing and a great start to the day. We had a leisurely breakfast and there were a few jobs to do. The deck was very sandy, Bluebird was still attached to the deck and no doubt damp. We have a fire pump and a hose which attaches to the bottom of the mast. This means we can hose down the deck and clean and you can either use salt water or fresh water from the water tanks but this uses a lot of water so we generally have it on salt water. David and I headed for the engine room whilst the others tied Bluebird to the guardrails and off the deck and Cari hosed down the deck and the cockpit floor was lifted and cleaned. This made quite a difference and she washed down the dinghy too.

Stig and Simon pumped up the paddleboard which took a little time. David cleaned the heads whilst we waited for the use of the fire pump to end as the generator was on. I looked at where we could go begore we get to Grenada which will be 6th February 2024. We need to go to Union Island and there we can check out of the Grenadines and then to Carriacou where we can check on there as it is part of Grenada.

Once the hosing down was done we turned off the generator and entered the engine room. I wanted to change the water filters for our water tanks and one of them was leaking slightly. In order to change the filters you have to depower the water pressure by turning off the water pumps and running the taps until the water stops. There are 2 filters with one for each tank. I then undid one the starboard filter housing and was able to remove the filter and replaced it. I did the same for the port tank. There seemed to be nothing wrong with the seal – perhaps it had worn down. Although I tightened it up there was still a tiny weep. I will therefore have to get some more seals. I also took out the filter for the water maker and rinsed and cleaned it. I tried to find another seal in my spares for the water filter but without success.         

Once I finished others were playing on the paddleboard and relaxing. We then had a wrap for lunch sitting in the cockpit with the great views. After lunch I suggested we went round to the other side of Bedel Island where there was another beach and part of the turtle sanctuary. We all went with our snorkelling gear and managed to land on the beach. We set off toward the darker patches and we came across 3 good condition (or it looked that to me) turtles who were nibbling at the sea grasses. It was magical and they did not seem to be too bothered about us. Every now and then they came to the surface to get some air and then down they were. They are lovely creatures and how lucky we are to be swimming with them in this environment. In addition to turtles there were lots of fish and quite a few large starfish.

We then decided to motor round Bedel and headed for Horseshoe Reef where we were told there were orange buoys to moor to. We found one and attached to it. We then snorkelled on the reef itself. This was even better than the day before with a lots of different and larger fish and a lot of coral life. There were sponges and green fans and sort of coral plant life which was extraordinary and I got some on my Gopro video. Stig and Simon saw a small shark which was  worrying but luckily no one was eaten!!.

We returned to Stormbird and were glad we had had both snorkels which had been unique. I had not used my hammock yet which I had bought in Portugal and to which my Mum had contributed. David volunteered to put this up and he hung it between the mast and the staysail. In the meantime one of the steps on the swimming ladder had come off and Stig wanted something to do. I helped him and we had to find two bolts and nuts and drill wider holes in the ladder for them. It took a little time bit that was sorted.

I then had to try my hammock out and it was great and David brought me a beer and my book, He took a picture and I sent a picture to my Dad to show my Mum (who unfortunately is in a care home for a few days) and his reply was “Lazy Bugger”!!. The hammock was very comfortable and you cannot get better than being fanned by the cooling breeze just looking out over the turquoise water.

We had a beer as the sun went down and Cari cooked a delicious butternut squash risotto. Half way through cooking the gas went and so we had to go and change it.  I tried the new cylinder that I had bought in Barbados but the pipe end which attached to the regulator was leaking. As we were part way through supper I put on our spare camping gas cylinder so supper could be cooked. After supper I took off the pipe and refitted it and it stopped leaking. Thank goodness. Boats heh!  It had been another busy but enjoyable day in spectacular surroundings.

The blog will continue as we explore the Caribbean further and beyond.

If you have any comments or suggestions about the blog do email me on  I can only upload one picture a day.  



Tobago Cays-Union Island - Carriacou 4 February 2024


Mayreau- Tobago Cays 2 February 2024