Technical Issues

We woke at 6.15am so that Andy & Bo could get the bus to the airport.

As we had shore it was time for washing an cleaning etc. However we ventured into town found the market with its fish and vegetable stores and bought some mackerel and prawns. Whilst we had hoped to catch fish on the way our lines had been snapped by some big fish so we found a store and bought some more meaty gear. Lagos is quite touristy with lots of boats taking tourists out to the local caves or to find dolphins. It was however a Roman town and once the capital of Portugal.

Whilst waiting for the sail man we wondered around the streets and also tried to find a Volvo agent to look at the engine and why it was not turning off. There was one in Portimão. So once we got the sail back we headed off the Portimão only 9 miles way. It was a pleasant sail and we anchored in the harbour at Portimão overlooking a nice beach and a castle. The engineman came and tweaked some contacts and it started to work properly again.

The port is very busy with a regular flow of boats going to and fro and lots of water activity. Not surprising bearing in mind the lovely sunny weather and environment.

Delicious super again of chicken, rice and vegetables – washed down the local beer Sagres and a Portuguese white wine. It was still blowing quite hard and a good test for it.  We will sleep well with the howl of the wind.


Faro Day


Reaching the Algarve