15 October 2024 –Tonga -Vava’u Group
Before I start I have another need. Someone now cannot make the New Zealand to Sydney leg in early January 2025 so I need ideally a sixth person. You would have to be in Auckland, New Zealand by about 3/4 January 2025 with a view to us leaving for Sydney, weather permitting, by about 7 January 2025. We should get to Sydney by about 14-16 January 2025. If anyone is interested please email me at hine.nick9@gmail.com Thanks.
Sean and I had the 8.00pm to 11.00pm watch and we decided to try and sail and only needed to make 4.5 kts to make the waypoint in time. We started off with full genoa but we then went too fast and so we reefed it and our speed dropped to what was needed. Our watch went well and we handed over to Carolyn/Erika for our next watch. During that watch the wind died and so we had to start the engine again and we were then heading for the waypoint off Tonga. I told Carolyn/Erika to tell Keith and Joyce just to make sure we got to the waypoint on time by using the engine to vary the speed.
We came on again at 5.00am and we were about 10nm from the waypoint. It was a lovely morning and the sun came out but the wind was about 3-5 kts. We carried on and Tonga or that part of the Vava’u Group began to appear on the horizon. It was relatively flat but as we got nearer we could see that the cliffs were solid (not mixed with coral) and about 250 feet high. They were covered in trees and shrubs and had a red tinge in the rockface. As we got closer the cliffs got larger and we could see caves and holes in the cliffs but no sign of habitation.
We had to continue round the curve of the island and the route was like to go into the crescent shape where the main town Neiafu was. As we motored (no wind really) we were greeted by some Dolphins who swam in front of Stormbird and some lept out of the water in abandoned glee. When we came round to the channel there were lots of little islands dotted about and it reminded us of scenes like in Thailand or Vietnam. We had to motor round a number of channels and this is when we began to see other boats and houses dotted on the shore. They looked quite nice and upmarket.
We motored on and came to Neiafu which was an enclosed ack and we had to go through two shallow patches marked by buoys. We called Vava’u customs on channel 16 & 26 but no answer. The port authority told us to wait for a space on the wharf for customs check in. We were flying the Tongan flag and our Q flag (all yellow like a duster) which signals we have not checked in to a country. I had also rung ahead to get some more diesel.
The wharf was full so we hung around and eventually a catamaran left and we moored up and the fuel man was there and we filled with 385 lts of diesel. It was good to have full tanks in case we need to motor out of trouble en route to New Zealand. The environment official came on board and asked us about our food and fruit we have on board and that we are not to bring it ashore. The customs lady came and there were numerous forms to fill in – some of which asked the same questions and then the health man came. We paid the fees required and the formalities which took most of the morning were then done. We could now take our Q flag down.
We wondered out of the port and found a cashpoint – they use pangas here as a currency. We saw a good fruit market and a church. We will explore another time. I went to a dive company and asked about cleaning the bottom as in New Zealand they inspect the bottom and it has to be clean. He said he will come and have a look in the morning and suggested where we should anchor.
We left the wharf and went over to the suggested anchor point and anchored. We then all had a good swim and used the paddle board and relaxed. We were in Tonga and had travelled 271 nm since Niue -albeit that we had to motor quite a bit due to lack of wind.
Once we had showered we headed ashore and went to a restaurant called Mangoes which we all enjoyed. The picture of the day is of us in the restaurant. We look forward to exploring the Vava’u group of islands.
Opportunity Year Two
In year two I will be going from New Zealand in early January 2025 across to Sydney and up the Eastern Australian Coast, Indonesia and then through Bali, Singapore and on to Thailand to end year two about the end of November 2025. I will need some more crew.
If there is any interest do email me at hine.nick9@gmail.com
The blog will continue as we move through French Polynesia and beyond. If you have any comments or suggestions about the blog then do email me on hine.nick9@gmail.com