Return to San Cristobal - Galapagos –21 April 2024.

We woke early with a view to leaving early to return to San Cristobal. It had been another rolly night and we upped anchor just after 7.00am. It was a greyish day but looked as if it would clear up.

We had a cup of tea to get us going and once underway we had a fruit salad breakfast of pineapple, paw paw and banana which was delicious. We headed out beyond the small island of  Puerto Ayora and then toward the North of Santa Fe. We approached Santa Fe and could see this side of the island as we had seen the other side on the way to Santa Cruz. The North side of the island was similar yet there was a promontory that stuck out.

As we approached the island the wind began to grow and once adjacent to the island we started to sail. The wind was light, but we sailed along at 4-5kts and it did not matter. It was nice to have the engine off and I needed to make water to ensure we had full tanks for going into Wreck Bay. It did not take too long to fill the half a tank we had used.

We were fishing and Mark was downstairs creating a provision list when I heard the rod clicking. I managed to grab the rod-jerk it and then started to try and pull in what we thought was a fish on the line. As I began to do this I saw a fish leap out of the water some way back and I continued to wind it in. This happened a few times until it was a little way from the boat and it was a big Mahi Mahi fish – green and yellow with a big head. It was the largest we had ever caught of this type of fish. We got it close enough to use a gaff (pole with a spike) to bring it ion board. It was a large fish some 3-4 feet long with a large tail. See the picture.

Mark cut the head off which we threw back and he then gutted and filleted the fish. We had a small taste for lunch and it was delicious. By this time the wind was a little stronger and we were sailing nicely – champagne type sailing as we were going quite fast on a flat sea and it was great conditions. The wind also started to veer as we approached San Cristobal propelling us toward Wreck Bay as otherwise we would have been a bit off course. It was a great afternoon sailing and as we were about two miles from Wreck Bay when we took down the sails and motored the last bit.

We anchored first time and it felt like coming home and there was virtually no swell. Charles Robinson who is joining the Marquesas leg was on a tourist boat and saw us come in and sent us a picture.  He will join after his boat tour. Once anchored we went ashore to have a beer and Mark went to the bakery to stock up. We returned and had a drink on deck and Mark cooked our delicious Mahi Mahi for supper. It was so fresh and tender.

We join a tourist boat tomorrow called the Grand Majestic and we have an 8-day tour of the Galapagos after which we will return to Stormbird. I am not sure whether I will have Wi-Fi so if I cannot blog, I will prepare them and then publish them when I get back.

It had been a great day’s sailing with a wonderful gift of a lovely fish which we have enjoyed. We look forward to continuing our Galapagos adventure.  

Opportunity for any Readers/Sailors.

In late May 2024 we shall be in the Marquesas in French Polynesia, and we will then move through to the Tuamotu’s before getting to Tahiti about the end of July 2024. There may be some space on Stormbird during this period should any sailor/reader be interested in joining for this period or part of it in what must be one of the most distant and beautiful places in the world.

In addition, in year two I will be going up the Eastern Australian Coast, Indonesia and probably across the Indian Ocean to Cape Town and I will need some more crew.

If there is any interest do email me at  

The blog will continue as we head off to the Galapagos and beyond.

If you have any comments or suggestions about the blog do email me on  I can only upload one picture a day and visit our website



Joining the Grand Majestic -San Cristobal - Galapagos –22 April 2024.


Santa Cruz - Galapagos –20 April 2024.