Year 2 – 8 January 2024 -New Zealand to Sydney
Kevin and I had the 11.00pm to 2.00am watch and in the night the other watches had to make a number of sail changes due to the wind strength and fluctuations. They saw the odd cargo ship but little else although the stars were lovely.
Kevin and I were on again at 8.00am and it was a nice sunny morning and the wind was quite strong and there was a bit of a choppy sea. We had breakfast and then it was on to the daily checks which we undertake on the 8-12 shift. For someone new it takes a bit of time to work out what is required. I took Kevin round and we went through the list. In the meantime, the generator was on as our batteries were low.
Some slept and others chatted in the cockpit and Grant cooked some lovely mushrooms and then for lunch a carrot and coriander soup which was delicious. Our shift went quickly and I had heard from my weather man. We were still heading up the Eastern side of the North Island and began to approach the end. Trevor and Tom took over at 12.00 noon and they had to do the internal cleaning and the vegetables and fruit turning. We made 182 nautical miles to 12.00 noon so this was in 23 and a quarter hour as we left at 12.45 so a good start.
The wind during the day would be up to 28 kts and then drop back to 12-14 kts so we had to make a number of sail changes and most of the time we were close hauled (sailing close to the wind) which meant you healed more and this makes life on board more uncomfortable.
We came across the last bay Cape K to North Cape and the wind and sea calmed down a bit but when we went on to Cape Rainga it strengthened again. Our weather man has warned there may be some thunderstorms in the night so we will need to be on watch.
We had a pasta supper which was nice and settled down for the night shifts. New Zealand was fading behind us as we moved on. I wonder whether I will come again. Kevin and I were on the 8.00pm to 11.00am shift and there was a lovely sunset and then it began to get dark and the stars came out again. We think we saw Mars. During the day we saw some dolphins and lots of birds. It had been a nice day but frustrating with the wind.
The picture of the day is the crew relaxing in the cockpit.
Need/Opportunity Year Two
I am in need of more crew from April to September so if of interest do email me at
In year two I will be going from New Zealand to Sydney and hen up the Eastern Australian Coast, Indonesia and then through Bali, Singapore and on to Thailand to end year two about the end of November 2025.
The blog will continue as we continue the journey. If you have any comments or suggestions about the blog then do email me on