Another Day at Flamenco - 25 March 2024.

The guys to fix the heads (toilet) in the double cabin came about 8.30am and I hoped we would leave mid-morning. The agent came at 9.00am to collect the passports to sort out our exit documents from Panama.

The toilet men changed the joker valve and then suggested a new pipe which they fitted. However, the second valve was still an issue and they suggested it be replaced but they had to go some way to get replacements and they could either fit it later today or tomorrow morning. This was annoying and I wanted to leave but knew that if I did not fix it now there would be no chance before Tahiti which is over 4 months away, so I decided to agree to get it changed and to get some spares just in case.

The guys understood and they went off to the ice cream shop to chill.  I decided to sort a number of things. I had told the agent that the connectors they gave me for my laptop did not work so Aniel came back and the new kit was faulty, so he gave me  another and it worked.

I then decided to download the GoPro footage and backed it up on the separate hard drive I had bought which was good. I then took out the SD Card the Pacific Islands which goes in the chart plotter and updated it. It only really works when we get to the Marquesas Islands. I also connected the Raymarine system to the Starlink Wi-Fi and then did a software update which took some time.

I also looked at the passage to the Galapagos in the Jimmy Cornell books which was a little confusing. Essentially, we need to keep east and keep east of Malpano – a military Island en route although you need permission to land there.  San Cristobel, the Island in Galapagos we are planning to anchor has some reefs on the southwest and so if visibility is poor then we may need to go round the north to avoid them.

I cleaned my walking boots as apparently; they have to be spotless to be allowed into the Galapagos and I checked the engine again and the impeller bolts. Mark had a sleep and when he woke, I suggested we had an ice cream and joined the others.

They were all drinking juices, having had ice creams and were looking at their phones. We had an ice cream ourselves and then went to the bar for a quick drink before returning to Stormbird where Mark and Charles had created a vegetable bake with chicken which was good. It had been an initial frustrating day but when we were resigned to having to stay, we used our time well. Hopefully we will leave tomorrow am and get to Las Perlas Islands.

As there was no particular picture for today I put a picture of the Blue Baron on the pontoon so you get to see the size of it. Hopefully we will fly it for the first time soon.

Opportunity for any Readers/Sailors.

In late May 2024 we shall be in the Marquesas in French Polynesia, and we will then move through to the Tuamotu’s before getting to Tahiti about the end of July 2024. There may be some space on Stormbird during this period should any sailor/reader be interested in joining for this period or part of it in what must be one of the most distant and beautiful places in the world. If there is any interest do email me at  

The blog will continue as we head off to Panama and beyond.

If you have any comments or suggestions about the blog do email me on  I can only upload one picture a day and visit our website




Las Perlas Islands -26 March 2024.


Toboga - 24 March 2024.