Toboga - 24 March 2024.

We woke reasonably early and after breakfast headed to the shop ashore where we brought some bread for the day and stocked up with some more wine and beer.

We prepared the boat for the Bickerdike’s arrival and we were all glad to be going off for the day. Dickson and Claire and the children arrived about 9.45 am and they wanted to see around Stormbird, so we gave them a tour (not that it takes that long!) and provided them with life jackets. There was a short safety briefing and we then headed out of the marina on the way to Tobago.

There was little wind but once we motored past the first Island there was about 4.5 kts so we had to show our guests some sailing. We therefore put out the main and genoa and it was just enough to push us along about 3 kts. We were not in a rush and we gently glided along meandering around the tankers at anchor. Each of the girls had a go helming and they got the hang of it quite quickly. It was warm and muggy and the girls enjoyed looking over the side.

About 2 miles from the island the wind dropped to about 2 kts so we took down the sails and motored the last bit anchoring off a beach near the main town in about 9m of water. We were all so hot so we jumped in and cooled down. The water was a bit cloudy probably because of the rivers and the canal nearby. It was great to swim and get away from the marina and that heat.

Once we had all swum we had a buffet lunch of burgers and sausages with salad and coleslaw with French bread that we had bought that morning. It was like a barbecue ashore really. We then chilled and chatted and enjoyed the moment although the jet skies whizzed around like annoying flies. Why can they not understand we do not want their wake nearby – go out to sea and do what you want out there, not near us as it rocks us around and it is a bit disconcerting when you are swimming in the water.  

Once our lunch went down we had another swim and by this time the wind got up and we prepared to leave. Once we upped anchor, we got the sails out again and we soon off back to Panama on a close reach with a good wind of up to 21 kts and getting up to 8 kts at times. Stormbird was sailing well and was giving Claire, Dickson and family a good sail and even though we were heeling over they did not seemed phased. We saw a large group of pelicans on the way back  gliding and flying in formation some 3 feet above the water and looking so graceful. There are so many here and they look so healthy which is good to see.

It did not take us long to get back and moor in the marina. Claire and Dickson suggested an ice cream so we all headed off to the Dulce Idea again for an ice cream which was most enjoyable after a great day.  We all enjoyed this and cooled down before the Bickerdikes left for home.

We had decided we would go to a restaurant which served fish called Fishlovers and Mark booked a table. We returned to Stormbird and chilled before we headed back to the restaurant. The lady skipper from the motor boat called Downsizing (which was next to us in Shelter Bay Marina) was on her own and we asked her to join us. Her name is Corin and she is going to the Galapagos, French Polynesia and then on to Tonga and will then go back to Hawaii and then on to Alaska.

We had a great supper at Fishlovers and look forward to moving on tomorrow.   

Opportunity for any Readers/Sailors.

In late May 2024 we shall be in the Marquesas in French Polynesia, and we will then move through to the Tuamotu’s before getting to Tahiti about the end of July 2024. There may be some space on Stormbird during this period should any sailor/reader be interested in joining for this period or part of it in what must be one of the most distant and beautiful places in the world. If there is any interest do email me at  

The blog will continue as we head off to Panama and beyond.

If you have any comments or suggestions about the blog do email me on  I can only upload one picture a day and visit our website




Another Day at Flamenco - 25 March 2024.


Jobs and Barbecue - 23 March 2024.