Anti del Mar

The night had been a bit rolly with the anchor alarm going off at least twice, but we were fine.  Mark, Ben and David went ashore to buy some bread etc. It was a lovely warm and calm day with little wind again.

We planned to go on to Anfi del Mar down the coast where we could ensure Alex got transport to the airport. We thought we would go to a bay on the way for lunch and a swim. Ben looked up a few places on the way and suggested Playa de Tinania.

After breakfast we weighed anchor and headed off under motor as there was no

wind and started to fish. It only took us about 1.5 hours to get there and it was a remote black sand rock bay surrounded by rocks with only a few people on the beach. We went in carefully and had to try a few times due to the holding being rocks. Mark dived on the anchor and it was fine.

It was a beautiful bay and Ben got out the binoculars -what was he checking -it was a nudist beach. He has looked this up specifically to arrange this without our  knowledge - so we all checked with the binoculars. He was right!! Ben asked whether anyone wanted him to join him ashore. Funnily enough there were no takers on this so, off he went swimming ashore in his birthday suit to join the beach.

Mark, Alex and I snorkelled and there was a fantastic array of fish from white/yellow fish to pipe fish and blue and yellow colours and in considerable quantities. I suddenly looked down and saw a lovely Octopus. It was a sandy yellow and white and when not swimming was like a cloth. It would then extend its tentacles and swim off with its legs behind and I could see its eyes. It also changed colour when it did so. It then stopped on a rock and became like a rag again. Some of the fish did not seem to like its presence and were darting at it. It would then take of a few yards further and the process would start again. They are such intelligent creatures and it reminded me of the “Octopus Teacher” which was a fantastic documentary about a man and an octopus which formed a relationship. If you have not seen it, then I suggest you definitely should.

Mark and Alex had also seen lots of fish and Mark went off in the dinghy to try and catch some fish but to no avail. Ben came back to the boat for lunch. He had enjoyed the beach and found it liberating but only about 70% were nude.

After lunch we headed for Anfi del Mar and found a good anchoring spot not far from when Mark and I had anchored in September 2019 on my last boat Luce di Mare. This is a nice bay with a couple of beaches but has purpose built around which are not particularly attractive. However, it is a secure anchor. We went ashore and went to the same bar Mark and I went to and had a beer overlooking the beach and anchorage. Alex found out where he could get a taxi and we returned to the boats for swims and relaxation.

Ben cooked a paella which was very tasty and we eat it whilst watching the rugby world cup and enjoyed seeing England beating Argentina. It was a very hot night, but we had had another satisfying and enjoyable day. The sun set beautifully out at sea but provided light on the rocks and apartments which somehow made them seem quite attractive!

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions – do email me on



Anti del Mar 2.0


Puerto Mogan 2.0