D Day

After days at sea without seeing land we finally came across the quite large cliffs on the approach to Lisbon. Although it was cloudy and misty there was excitement in the air We had nearly done it. We checked the prepared plan into Cascais and started to follow it. We had already identified the light house lights during the night which you can see from about 16 nm offshore. As we approached in the light you could see the white and red colours of their structures.

 We were now in potential Orca territory and of course fishing pots which fisherman place near the coast often not well marked and which can be a hazard. We did not want to get caught by one of them. As the day progressed the mist cleared and we followed the cliffs round to Cascais and the marine. The town looked lovely with its own beach and historical fort and the old colonial Portuguese buildings. The wind began to howl and we moored at the reception dock whilst we checked in and refueled and cleared customs.

We had arrived in 6 days and 24 minutes direct from Hamble, 967.7 n miles – no injuries or damage. The crew of Nick, Mark, Bo, Andy, Jon and Malcolm – had been great. We all got on and did our jobs and enjoyed it along the way. Cold beers had been put in the Fridge and as we drank them in the cockpit in the sun we all must of felt a sense of achievement that we had done it. Hats off to Stormbird who looked after us and got us there. She had done us proud.

After a clean up and spruce up we ventured into the lovely town of Cascais where we shopped and enjoyed a beer in the park. It was busy but elegant and people were enjoying the beach and bars and restaurants. We dined out at a lovely fish restaurant with a smile on our faces and retired to Stormbird for cheese. 

The first part of the adventure was achieved and tomorrow we move down the Portuguese coast toward the Algave. We went to bed with a satisfied smile on our faces. Grateful to be here and to be alive.


On Toward the Algarve


The Long Haul Day