The Long Haul Day

This was one of those days where the prize is so close but yet so far. It started as a grey day and due to lack of wind the engine was on again. It seemed as if the distance to the waypoint near Lisbon seemed to be the same distance away despite mile after mile of progress. We had set the chart plotter to tell us how long it would be and when we sped up the time came down and when we slowed it extended. In addition to this we had a bit of a roll. It would seem to come and go and then be quiet for a while and then a big wave started it off and we would roll several times before it calmed down again.

Eventually the wind came up and we get some sail on again but it was not quite strong enough to push us fast enough to still aim to be in Cascais but about 9.00am on 24th. So we decided to sail for a while and then make it up by engine. We rang ahead and reserved a berth. We felt that it would be good to use the facilities, refuel would be easier than anchoring.

Spirits were good and we eat well ( we listened to music chatted etc.)and went through the day watching the odd rain cloud in the distance and hoping we would miss them which we did. We could not use the Red Baron and we did not want to get out the spinnaker.

It was a day of treading water really – we just had to get through it which we did- a long haul up to the prize. In the night we had to dodge the tankers coming down from the traffic situation zone by Lisbon. Our chart plotter tells us who they are (name etc.), the nearest collision point and when that is. So if we knew on the current course that the nearest point was less than half a mile we were concerned and either altered course or called the ship up on the radio and asked if they had seen us and were we able to maintain our course. This forced them to see us and many altered course for us as a result. There was little moon and we just saw the lights of the ships but you cannot get an idea of distance from this. This activity helps us get through the shifts especially the 2am-5.00am slot which is the red eye shift.

Of course to maintain our time we had to engage the engine again – the day had passed – as stated it had been a long haul knowing we would not get there today.

 It was also Lady Hine's birthday which I was missing and although I tried to reach her on the satellite phone and left a message I could not speak to her. She was I forgot enjoying herself at the Open Golf So happy birthday Mum.


D Day

